Bo ssam is a traditional Korean recipe consisting of boiled meat, called suyuk, served alongside lettuce wraps and various toppings, including kimchi. Bo ssam is traditionally prepared after the process of gimjang, in which large amounts of kimchi are prepared and preserved for the winter. In Korean history, the workers who prepared the kimchi were given a pig feast to ensure their commitment to the job. Bo ssam was invented by combining a traditional Korean style of preparation—ssam, or “wrapped”—with the boiled pork.
Bo ssam likely came to the United States with the increase in Korean immigration in the 1970s and '80s. However Korean food did not become part of the larger fabric of American ethnic cuisines until the early 2000s when Korean restaurants began to court customers of Western backgrounds. This recipe is for the pork and lettuce wraps, but typically bo ssam is typically served with additional vegetables, kimchi, and dipping sauces.
Recipe Servings: 4
+ 10 minutes resting
- Add all ingredients except lettuce to a large pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and let simmer 40 minutes.
- Remove pork from water and let rest 10 minutes.
- Slice and serve by wrapping in lettuce leaves and adding fillings and dipping sauces of your choice.
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