Chilaquiles, a relative of enchiladas, consists of meat-filled corn tortillas that are fried in egg and then baked with tomato sauce and cheese. The word chilaquiles comes from Nahuatl and means “stuck into something.” This dish originated in Mexico, where chilaquiles are generally eaten at breakfast or brunch. In the United States, chilaquiles are comfort food enjoyed at all times of the day. This warm, spicy, and filling dish is often served with beans and rice, but a crisp green salad would also pair well. Chilaquiles are great for using up leftovers.
Recipe Servings: 6
- Heat enough vegetable oil to cover the bottom of a skillet.
- Place a spoonful of meat into the center of a tortilla and fold in half.
- Crack 5 eggs into a medium bowl and beat lightly to combine.
- Dip tortilla into beaten egg and then fry in oil until crispy on both sides. Repeat until all meat has been used.
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- Lay fried tortillas in an oven-safe casserole dish. Pour tomato sauce over tortillas. Sprinkle garlic and jalapeños over tomato sauce, and cover everything with cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
- Bake chilaquiles until they are heated through, about 15–20 minutes.
- Serve with salsa, sour cream, and your favorite Mexican sides.
Optional: This dish can be made vegetarian by replacing the meat filling with refried beans.
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